Friday, September 11, 2015

Team Beachbody vs Weekly Meetings (My Opinion)

During my journey to weight loss, I literally tried everything.  I joined WW four times.  Twice I went to the weekly meeting weigh-ins and twice the on-line version.  In defense of WW, I did lose weight but never learned to keep it off long term.  I now know the reason.

Even though I went to weigh-ins, I would leave after my weight was confirmed and logged.   Sharing my thoughts with strangers did not appeal to me.  I did follow the program to the tee.  I read all the materials and would write in my journal every day. 

I understood the concept.  All foods received a point(s) based on how many calories, fiber and protein were in any given food category.  Now I know that for me this concept was not good for living a good healthy life.  If I “ate correctly,” a bag of Cheetos,Twinkies or Snickers bar were allowed.  As a junk food person, I would save my points for treats.  At the end, it would trigger my craving for more and more.

What I learned the hard way was nutrition is the only key component to weight loss.  Without fueling your body with the right foods, you will never succeed.  
With every Team Beachbody program, you’ll receive a trainer, workout program and more importantly, a nutrition plan designed just for that program. 

The nutrition plan will give you a list of approved foods (for maximum weight loss), recipes to get you started and a system to calculate your right calorie intake for that program.  With this combination, you cannot fail!!

But more importantly you will have a coach that will be there every step of the way.  You have the option (which is highly recommended) of joining a challenge group.  This gives you seven (7) days a week of support in a closed Facebook group.  Like any person starting a new journey we all have ups and downs, we fall off the wagon completely, cheat a little here and there, or lose our motivation.  Before we know it, we have gained five pounds, then ten and we are out of control.  Stop the roller coaster now and join me!!

If you need additional information, please contact me at

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