Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Are your friends and family allies or foe in your weight loss journey?

Supporters in weight loss are
important of your success!
In order to succeed in changing your health and well being, you need your family and friends to have your back.  When you feel you are slipping, a support system needs to be in place.  They can help you stay on track by making the right choices.  Be upfront with your goals because the more people that you have supporting you the more success you will have.

Counting Macros vs Container System

When I started to become serious about weight loss, I started to count macronutrients (macros).   I know it might seem overwhelming but believe me it’s worth the effort.  I never realized how important tracking Macros were to achieving your weight loss goals.

Free Five Day Clean Eating Group

We all know that losing weight and getting healthy is hard but it can be done!!
For people who do not know me, I tried everything from weekly meetings to fresh and packaged food delivery.  What is the difference between Team Beachbody and other groups?  We offer daily support through a closed Facebook group.

Knowing your why!! (Keeping Positive)

How many times have you tried to lose weight?  Two, three, ten times?  Even if you were motivated and on track, sometimes life gets in your way.    To avoid going off the rails, it’s important to “know your why”?  You have probably heard that before and if you were like me, ignored it…..

Beginner Tips to Becoming Healthy


Start off slow but be consistent.....
  • Invest in a Fitbit or another device for tracking steps.  This will help with self-motivation.  Believe me when you hit that 10,000 step mark you will be proud of yourself.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Guide to Healthy Choices in the Supermarket

Going to the supermarket can be your worst enemy!! 

Get to know your supermarket and make a plan of attack.  We have the power to decide which foods to buy at the grocery store.  Avoid the aisle that have the foods that will throw you off track (junk food - chips, candy or  cookies). Bring a shopping list (planning ahead is key).