Monday, October 26, 2015

Skin Care for All Ages

As we get older, I feel people need to know that skin care is so important.  I asked my Esthetician to give me some pointer on skin for all ages.  I would like to share with you her recommendations for proper skin care:

Skin functions best when you know less is better. Skin is the largest involuntary organ on the body, best to understand; you don't take care of it, it takes care of you at all stages in life! The skin's main functions are quite impressive and amazing. Just to name the obvious, it's main functions are to regulate the temperature of our bodies, protect all our tissue, muscles and organs by keep everything intact and wrapped and to be our armor against an ever changing environment. 

Simple steps that should be taken at different stages in life are quite simple and rather effective in keeping the skin balanced and functioning properly are as follows: 

At all ages in life, nutrition and water intake are always key components! The more greens incorporated into the diet starting from a toddler to our golden ages will always play a major role in producing antioxidants that ward off "free radicals" that break skin down. It will also aid in digestion keeping our intestines functioning properly and ridding the system of all kinds of waste.

Teens to young adults should constantly be aware of avoiding too much sugar/salt as it can lead to hormonal imbalances (the body has enough of that going on already at the age with puberty) causing acne. Also, "picking" at the face should be avoided not to spread any bacteria though out the face and during those years it is vital to drink plenty of water and to be consistent with washing especially at night time! Gel washes or daily scrub washes containing a Salicylic Acid are best at this age both AM & PM, usually moisturizing only 2-3x week AM only.

Young adults to mid 50's should maintain a healthy diet by ensuring greens are incorporated on a daily basis at least once a day. Also, a nutritional supplement (vitamins)  should be added to the diet containing all the key minerals (A,B,C, D, E, K). Last but not least, maintaining some type of physical activity to release stress that causes cortisol that stimulates the sebaceous glands that secrete unnecessary oils. And as always, wash at night; foam washes are best at this age, exfoliating 2-3x week at night only and avoiding any night time moisturizer. A day time moisturizer containing a SPF is vital during these years. 

Over 60 all of the above apply. Most likely our bodies have slowed down,  and no longer producing lipids and the skin barrier begins to begins to loosen and break down. Therefore, it may now be time to switch to a gentle wash in the form of cream washes, cleansing in the PM only and rinsing with clean cloth, hot water in the AM. Most likely a day & night time moisturizer will be needed.

I hope this helps!!

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